guy doing spin with his bodyboard

How to Spin Bodyboard

Extreme sports are labelled as such for a reason – they are recreational activities with the defining trait of putting their players in significant danger, all in the name of fun.

Now, it is fairly rare for extreme sportsmen to find themselves in any mortal danger – they are far more likely to come away with a couple of broken bones, maybe a few chipped teeth. The risk of sustaining a serious life-threatening injury, however minimal, is still there, but it is part of what attracts the people brave – or crazy – enough to participate in sports such as skating, skydiving, and surfing.

Some people are happy enough to catch a few waves or nail a few ollies and nothing more. There are others, however, who insist on dialing the “extreme” in extreme sports up to a hundred. These are the people who really elevate their sports beyond the mundane, and it may be easier than you think to become one of them.

Everyone has to start somewhere though. And if you are a casual bodyboarder looking to take your boarding to the next level, it is best to start off with a simple trick that is both useful and impressive.

In this article, we are going to explain How to Spin Bodyboard which is a move that experienced bodyboarders know well and regularly perform.

guy doing spin with his bodyboard, guy doing a trick on a bodyboard, guide for how to spin bodyboard

The 360-Spin – What Is It?

The 360-degree spin is a basic bodyboarding technique used by beginners and professionals alike in order to keep their momentum while riding a wave. Think of it as a means of breaking up your initial cresting of the wave and your descent, or your finish. You should not use it as a finishing move by itself, but it can help lead you into something bigger and better.

As a beginner, it is useful to learn this trick early to get used to maneuvering the board, which is a fundamental skill that you will need when learning and performing other tricks.

How to Perform a 360-Degree Spin

The process of performing a 360-degree spin is fairly simple and easy to understand. As with any new maneuver, it will take some practice and getting used to in order to pull it off perfectly, but this guide should aid you in internalizing each step of the process which will make it much easier once you are in the water.

Step One: Adjust Your Speed

While riding the wave, it is more than likely that you may find yourself descending too quickly. If this is the case, all you need to do is dig your fins into the water and pull on the nose of the board. On the other hand, if you find yourself going too slowly, simply lean forward on the board to increase your speed

Step Two: Prepare Yourself

Take your time with this next step, as it is crucial to ensure that you can maneuver smoothly. Do not be afraid to slow down and break this up into parts.

Start by lifting your legs out of the water; you will need a low center of gravity for this trick. Then, prepare your inside rail by putting all of your weight on it. Finally, once you are ready, look backward in the direction you are about to spin and get ready.

Step Three: Spin! Spin! Spin!

While your head is turned, you will feel the board begin to spin. As soon as you feel it, cross your legs up behind you and arch your back. This will keep the majority of your weight at the center of the board and allow the spin to keep its momentum.

Once you are facing forward again after a full spin, return to your standard trim position. Lower your legs back into the water and relax your back to continue riding the face of the wave.


If you struggle at first, use one hand to create additional spin: the so-called Handrag Spin.

Other Bodyboarding Maneuvers You Should Know

The 360-degree spin is a great addition to your repertoire, but it is made all the more impressive when it is used in sequence with one or more of these tricks.

Cut Back

A cut back is a simple turn back towards the curl of the wave, typically used to regulate your speed or to reposition yourself while you wait for a throwing lip. It is one of the most widely-used tricks in bodyboarding and is another perfect beginner move that is easy to learn and with a wide application.

Reverse 360-Degree Spin

This maneuver is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: it is performed similarly to the standard 360–degree spin we have already covered, and used for the same purpose of breaking up your performance and regulating your speed. It is useful to know both variations of the 360-spin in order to diversify your repertoire and throw a little variety into your performance.

Advanced Maneuvers

Once you have mastered the basic tricks we have already covered, you may feel ready to take it to the next level. A lot of these advanced maneuvers build upon what you have already learned and are important for increasing your bodyboarding skill.


An aerial is a maneuver that takes the entire bodyboard and extends it above the top of the wave. It is an important move to master before trying your hand at other tricks like El Rollo.

El Rollo

An el rollo is an extension of the aerial maneuver, in which – rather than simply following the wave back down – you roll over in the air before landing.

Remark: A nice overview of a lot of Bodyboard tricks can be found here.


Mastering the spin on your bodyboard should be your first priority, but once you feel comfortable with the move, we hope that you will take our advice and try out some of the others that we have listed here.

Or you start learning how to ride some waves in the drop knee style – definitely a fun challenge!

With enough practice and dedication, there is no reason that you cannot become a bodyboarding master. What better way to spend summer than with your friends in the water, showing off all of the cool tricks and moves you have learned?

Good luck and enjoy!

More helpful Information

On you can find much more helpful information about Bodyboarding.


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