Man doing Touring Paddleboarding on a lake, man on a Touring SUP Board, Man on a Touring Stand Up Paddle Board used in an article explaing what is a Touring SUP Board

TOURING Paddle BOARD – All you need to know

Stand up paddle boarding is not only fun but is quite the workout as well. In fact, it is a complete body workout that allows you to build up strength and coordination. You can invest your time in many different types of paddleboarding, but maybe one of the most fun and physically taxing is touring.

There are a lot of different boards that you can choose from and a lot of different styles of touring when it comes to paddle boarding. So let’s take a look at the Touring SUP board and everything you need to know about this style of SUP board.

What Is A Touring Paddle Board?

A typical Touring Paddle Board or Touring SUP is designed for long tours at the highest speed possible. This often means that the shape of these boards is longer and the deck is thinner. The longer design of the board allows for a straighter track through the water, and a thinner deck is designed to enhance the speed of the board. 

stand up paddling, paddling, water sports, two man doing Touring Paddleboarding and using a Touring SUP Board which is made more for speed and for fitness and training purposes

Therefore, when training and fitness is the primary goal, you have to be looking at the Cruising or Touring SUP style instead of a Trekking SUP or an all-around SUP. A trekking SUP is intended for long tours too, but with a more of a recreational purpose. Basically, trekking is for your leisure and not for physical results.

However, you have to be aware that there are a couple of drawbacks when choosing a Touring Paddleboard, which may not make it the best SUP for your needs. The Touring Stand Up Paddle Boards are due to their shape less stable in the water and a little harder to manoeuvre, which means that it requires more skill to control

It also means that it is crafted with lighter-weight material, so it does have that speed, and this could make it less durable than other options. For more information on different types of touring boards, check out this article.

Touring Paddle Boards Vs. All-Around Boards

So when you’re looking at stand up paddle boards, you’re trying to decide which style is best for you. After all, there are so many different varieties that you can utilize, and in truth, the all-around type of stand up board is compatible with touring to some extend as well.

So why opt for a touring SUP?

If you’re looking for a board that is built for speed and long tours but still offers some comfort, then a touring SUP is the right option. They are perfect for long-distance ships, exploring coastlines, etc and if the training aspect is your priority. If you furthermore have some experience with paddle boarding and master the basic SUP paddle techniques, then a touring board is the way to go.

However, if you aren’t about getting someplace quickly and you want more versatility, then an all-around option is the better choice. This is great for people who just like to paddle for fun and especially great for those just beginning to learn how to paddle board.

Check out this comparison chart for a little more insight:

 Touring SUP BoardAll-around SUP Board
Nose/Shape– Sharper nose to cut through the water
– Sharp angle/streamlined shape for speed
– Rounded nose for speed and stability
– Nose built with rocker
– Wider shape
Best for– Long-distance trips
– Exploring shorelines and waterways
– Focus on physcial paddle training (speed, cardio and strength)
– Versatility (from recreational tours, to a little wave SUP, family fun etc)
Who’s it for?– Speed lovers (racers)
– Paddle Boarders who do Paddle Boarding mainly for fitness training
– Recreational paddler
– Beginner paddle boarders
– People who love doing a wide range of activities on water
Touring SUP Board by RedPaddle, RedPaddle 11'3'' Sport Stand Up Paddle Board which is an excellent Touring Paddleboard
Touring SUP Board by RedPaddle
Serene Life Paddle Board Review
All-Around SUP Board by SereneLife

Is An Inflatable Board Feasible For This Type Of Paddle Boarding?

Inflatable Paddleboards are definitely well suited for Touring. There are many very well-designed and durable inflatable options when it comes to touring SUP boards. These options provide excellent performance because of their high-quality materials and overall design. Like all iSUPs, they also have the advantage of being extremely robust and durable. 

On top of that, unlike a hard-bodied board, these boards are easy to transport and store away when you are not using them.

But do iSUPs also have disadvantages compared to hardboards?

iSUPs cannot currently, and probably won’t be able to in the future, keep up with a hardboard in terms of pure performance on the water. A hardboard can simply be built lighter and stiffer, which of course has advantages in terms of gliding properties and directional stability.

From my point of view, however, the advantages of iSUPs, robustness and comfort, clearly outweigh the few percent performance for the vast majority of stand up paddlers.

When Should You Choose An Alternative To These Boards?

The touring board is designed for long-distance, highly physical excursions. So if you’re someone who is simply looking for a stand-up paddle board because you want to get into yoga or maybe a little surfing, then this very specialized form of the board is not a good fit for you. In either of those two cases, you can invest in an all-around board that will allow you to do whatever you want. 

Also, because the design is longer, a touring board may not be the best option for you if you’re a beginner. This is because it is more challenging to maneuver and operate, which can only be done easily once you have some experience under your belt. If this is the case, then going with an all-around board might be a good option as well, as they are easier to maneuver and can be used for touring purposes.

However, if you’re looking for an extensive SUP tour and want a good cardio and strength workout, there is no need to look for an alternative. Choosing something like the RedPaddle Sport 11’3″ cruising board is perfect. If that isn’t your goal, you need to look for an alternative of which there are a wide variety of options.

What Else To Consider When Choosing A Touring SUP Board

There are many things to consider when you’re looking at choosing a SUP for touring. Of course, like all boards, you have to pay attention to the shape, which includes the length, outline shape, and thickness. Deciding on this will influence not only the correct size of the board for you, but also on the speed, stability, and maneuverability. So depending on what you’re looking for, make sure you take a look at those.

You also need to look at the deck pad because you want to make sure it has everything you need. Grip and traction are essential, especially when you’re looking for a board to take on a physical journey over a longer period of time. It would be best if you were comfortable, but you also need to have an excellent grip to remain on the board at all times.

Accessories may not seem like something that should be vitally important, but they are. So when you’re considering choosing your touring SUP, you also need to look at accessories that can optimize the board’s performance. One of those accessories to consider is a good paddle. If you’re looking to optimize your performance, you need a good paddle and a good board.

Final Thoughts

Touring can be a relaxing and fun excursion and one that is a complete body workout. Yes, some just tour simply for their relaxation and beauty. But if you’re looking to get in shape and really take it seriously while being surrounded by beautiful nature, then a touring SUP paddle board is a good option. 

There are a lot of different models to choose from and different features that will play into its performance level. By taking an in-depth look as we have, we hope to have helped you figure out if, and eventually which touring SUP paddle board is the right option for you – and why it is such an excellent investment.


On Key

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