Woman and man doing thumbs up while holding body boards

What Is a Stringer On a Bodyboard

If you are a beginner in this type of sport, you may have wondered what a stringer on a bodyboard is. Don’t worry; many of those who spend time bodyboarding also do not know what a stringer is.

We will take a closer look at what is a stringer on a bodyboard and its benefits.

We will also look at the different types of stringers and stringer setups to shed some light on them.

Keep on reading and find out for yourself so the next time you ride the waves you will feel more secure riding your bodyboard.

Woman and man doing thumbs up while holding body boards

So, What Is a Bodyboard Stringer?

Picture showing the typical Bodyboard Construction, Picture explaining how a bodyboard is constructed, picture showing the different parts of a bodyboard

In the past, you needed to change boards when you wanted to ride on different types and sizes of waves, but that has now changed. This change came about when the stringer was introduced with bodyboards for various applications and configurations.

A bodyboard stringer is a flexible rod that is inserted into the core of the bodyboard to make it a bit stronger. It can also be seen as a spine for the bodyboard to keep it from deforming easily and keep it intact when force is applied.

Stringers can be swapped out on the bodyboard for different effects.
A flexible stringer is more suitable for small surfs. On the other hand, a stiff stringer will help make the bodyboard more rigid while adding some speed.

What Makes Stringers Popular?

With one or more stringers added to your bodyboard, it will be much easier to ride restless waves out on the ocean. That is because the bodyboard will be much sturdier and thus easier to handle when riding on larger waves.

Bodyboard Stringer, Bodyboard with a single Stringer system, what is a stringer on a bodyboard

Your bodyboard will also be more durable with stringers included with it, so it will last much longer and not be prone to break. There is a rule among bodyboard makers regarding stringers: the more stringers included, the more durable a bodyboard is.

The following are several other reasons why stringers have become so popular on bodyboards for many applications.

  • Stringers play a significant role in the speed and handling capability of the bodyboard.
  • In the case of closeout waves and shore breaks, your bodyboard will be protected.
  • With an interchangeable system, you will be able to adjust the bodyboard in seconds.
  • Easy adjustment means you can use the same board for different wave conditions.
  • Your bodyboard will be more flexible and durable with stringers inserted.
  • When it comes to water temperature, you can change the stringers accordingly.
  • A bodyboard with stringers included will be much stronger and will last longer.
  • When your bodyboard starts to lose its shape, stringers will help to pull it back to its original shape.

As you can see, there are many reasons why stringers have become so popular, and bodyboards are not seen without them in recent years.

Different Types Of Bodyboards

There are different categories that bodyboard stringers can be classified under. We will look at them all to see what each one is about.

Interchangeable Stringer System

This is the most recent development in bodyboard stringers and has become quite popular among all levels of bodyboarders. With this type of setup, you can change the stringers according to the weather conditions and make them usable in warmer waters.

Beginner Bodyboards

This is your basic single stringer bodyboard and is the best for those who have just started with bodyboarding for easier wave riding. These boards are the smallest in the lineup and are much easier to control on different types of wave conditions.

Boards For More Advanced Surfers

This type of board uses the more difficult-to-handle double stringer bodyboards for more speed and durability.

Professional Boarders

Professional bodyboarders mostly use triple stringer bodyboards and bodyboards with interchangeable stringer systems for higher speeds and for riding in different conditions.

The Different Stringer Setups

With so many bodyboard makers out there, you will find there are just as many different setups for bodyboard stringers. We will look at the different setups and what they are best used for when it comes to bodyboarding.

Bodyboard With Single Stringer

This is the most common setup. One stringer is inserted from the tail of the bodyboard and up to about three-quarters of the bodyboard. The single stringer is quite flexible and will add durability to the bodyboard to last longer than without a stringer.

With a single stringer inserted, the bodyboard will become easier to handle and add some stiffness to the board. But it will not be too stiff while leaving some flexibility at the part of the board where the elbows rest.

Double Stringer Setup

With this setup, two stringers are added to the bodyboard. One is slightly to the left and the other to the right of the center. This stringer setup will give the bodyboard some added durability and strength to withstand more pressure and last longer in harsh conditions.

These bodyboards are harder to control, but they will be much faster than a single stringer board setup. More experienced bodyboarders prefer this setup for speed and rigidity on rougher waves and are better to use when you surf warm waves.

Bodyboards With Triple Stringer Setup

In this setup, the center stringer is the same size as the single stringer set up, but two shorter ones are added. The two shorter stringers are inserted on both sides from the center of the bodyboard to add a lot of strength to it.

The bodyboard will be much stiffer and more durable with the three stringer setup, but it will also be faster. The shorter stingers on both sides allow some flexibility under the elbows while the board is stiff and rigid.

Remember: A Triple Stringer Bodyboard will not be necessary until you reach expert level and start to try tricks and aerials.


Now that you know what a bodyboard stringer is and what they are about, you can make a more informed choice. With the different setups available to you, it will also be much easier to choose the correct bodyboard stringer setup that suits you.

Mehr spannende Informationen übers Bodyboarding

Would you like to learn even more about important features and the construction of Bodyboards – and how that influences the performance in the waves?

We have the answers for you!


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