2 people on yellow stand up paddle boards


Stand-up paddle boarding is one of the fastest-growing water sports worldwide and is enjoyed by boarders both young and old. The sport has its roots in surfing, but is far more suitable for beginners, as it is far easier to learn.

In the last several years a wide variety of forms of Stand Up Paddling have emerged (Touring, Race, Wave, Trekking, Yoga, etc). For all those, manufacturers started to develop a dedicated type of Paddleboard. Those types differ mainly in their shape and size.

However, the most popular type of SUP Board is the all-around paddle board. In this article, we will show you what an all-around paddle board is, and everything you need to know about this type of board.

All-around stand up paddle boards are great for beginners to intermediate paddlers who seek an easy-to-use board and a solution for a wide variety of boarding activities. They can be used by the whole family. 

All you need to get started is an all-around stand-up paddle board to partake in fishing, yoga, cruising, wave surfing, and more. Join us as we explore the world of all-around stand-up paddle boarding – from the different types of boards to the activities available.

All around boards are therefore the best choice for beginners and all those who do paddleboarding mainly for their recreation and want to do a little bit of everything or e.g. one board for the whole family!

GILI All Around Inflatable SUP Board Review

What is an All Around Paddle Board?

A stand-up paddle board, much like a surfboard, is a board designed to be used for various water-based sporting activities. The paddle boarder stands on the board and propels itself with a paddle similar to an oar. 

An all-around paddle board is designed to be used for a multitude of water-based activities, and is great for boarders of all ages and skill levels. 

All-around stand-up paddle boards can be used for:

  • Light surfing
  • Racing
  • Flatwater paddling
  • Yoga
  • Fishing
  • Exploration
  • Crossover/ Convertible boards, also known as WindSUP boards
  • More details below

It is ideal for getting a low-impact full-body workout that puts minor strain on your joints. From beginners to advanced paddle boarders, all-around stand-up paddle boards are fun for the whole family and a fantastic way to get out and about in nature. 

Paddle boards are constructed from hard, durable plastic, allowing the board to stay afloat on the water’s surface. The paddle board deck is soft and has a non-slip surface, which helps for grip and balance when standing. The underside of the board has fins to help glide through the water. 

Generally, there are two types of construction:

  • Hardboards
    These are constructed from EPS, Glass, and other carbon fiber materials. For more information on hardboards, visit the Page. These boards are typically used by intermediate to advanced boarders. Why? Because Hardboards still are stiffer than inflatable SUP and therefore provide a slightly better performance on the water. On the downside is that their ease of use regarding transportability and storage is far worse compared to an iSUP and, last but not least, they are typically more expensive.
  • Inflatable paddle boards
    These boards are fully inflatable using a pump. The boards are great for transport and storage. The inflatable paddle board is the best board for beginner to intermediate paddle boarders. Inflatable SUP’s are favored for their convenience and robustness, as they can be transported and stored very easily. And thanks to modern construction and production technologies, inflatable paddleboards achieve similar performance levels (stiffness, etc.) as their hardboard counterparts.

Nowadays, most all-around boards are of the inflatable paddle type due to their advantages.

Is an Inflatable Paddle Board Good as a Stand-Up Board?

Yes, inflatable Paddle Boards are definitely the best choice for All Around SUP Boards because of their ease of use, robustness, and performance. Thanks to today’s technology, iSUPs reach similar stiffness and surfing characteristics as hardboards do. Their main advantage is that inflatable paddle boards are the most convenient boards to use. They are space-saving and can easily be transported and stored when not in use. Simply remove them from your car and pump them up in the beachfront parking lot.

With their rubber fins and sturdy design, they are the recommended paddle board for children and adults alike. These boards are the best for casual boarding and can be bought at a reasonable price tag.

With the developments and improvements in paddle boards and paddle boarding equipment in the last few years, inflatable SUPs are great for their robustness and are convenient to use store, and transport. They are the preferred SUP for touring, fitness, yoga, family-use, and more. The inflatable paddle board is definitely a fantastic option and is designed to be used with ease.

However, if you’re an experienced Stand Up Paddler and are chasing the last few percent of performance, you should opt for an according hardboard SUP. 

Choosing a paddle board for your intended use is important, and there are certain considerations that you need to take into account. In the next chapter, we will discuss when you should choose an alternative paddle board.

When Should You Choose an Alternative Paddle Board?

Choosing a paddle board should be based on the type of activity you will be doing. Some boards are designed with a particular use in mind. 

Here are the most common activities that may require you to choose an alternative SUP Board:

Surfing: It is possible to surf with an all around stand up paddle board. However, due to their design and shape, they only make fun in small waves. As soon as Wave surfing is your focus and the waves get a little bigger, you should definitely opt for a more specialized Wave SUP Board.

Touring and fitness: All around Boards can be used for longer tours and fitness training too. However, if you focus on speed and maximizing your traveling velocity you should have a deeper look into the Touring SUP Boards. The shape of these Boards makes them still reasonably stable, but they are much more optimized for traveling at higher speeds.

Racing: Paddle board racing is a real sport! With special boards designed for this unusual sport, those who wish to participate should use a racing SUP. These paddle boards have a sleeker design and are made from a lighter material, like fiberglass or carbon. 

Exploring or trekking: If you have envisioned floating down a calm river for some days or exploring a coastal stretch with your tent, all around boards can be a good choice as long as they provide enough buoyancy and storage options. But if going on a SUP camping tour for several days is your goal, there are definitely great specialized boards for that too. In this article we’ve compiled everything you need to know before going on your first SUP Camping tour.

Yoga or fitness: Yoga or exercising is not only possible but great on an all around SUP, especially if you choose your all around board with this usage in mind. However, if exercising is your primary focus and the paddling part is only a “necessary evil”, you again do better with a specialized Yoga SUP Board. 

Fishing: Fishing is another great example of a water-based activity that can be done on an all-around SUP. Just remember that you might need a few add-ons to ready your SUP for a fishing trip which not all all-around SUP provide by default. A SUP can be used as a substitute for a small boat by choosing a specialized fishing SUP board. 

Whitewater Rafting or Paddling: Much like exploring, an all-around SUP can be used for whitewater paddling and rafting. For more rapid waters, choose a whitewater SUP board that is both robust and shorter to make them more maneuverable. It is important that you consider the type of water you will be using your SUP in. Whitewater and exploring activities are mostly done on rivers or faster bodies of water. Rivers are full of hidden stones and branches and require a SUP that is robust and will protect against impacts. 

Family Tours: Do you dream of taking the whole family on a SUP tour of your favorite lake or river? All-around SUPs are great for the whole family. Choose a board that is robust and buoyant enough to handle more than one person. If you plan to go on tours with other adults or larger kids, you may have to go with a tandem board because of the buoyancy needed. 

Dogs on SUPs: For those with fur-children, there are SUPs designed specifically for use with your dog. These are generally wider, and easy to maneuver. Choose a dog-friendly SUP to prevent your board from scratches and nicks from Fido’s claws. You can read more about these SUPs here.

Couple Stand Up Paddling

Does the Best Paddle Board Exist?

No. There is no single paddle board that is considered the best. Choosing a paddle board is based on a variety of factors like the intended use, budget, skill of the rider, and more.

The price range of paddle boards is quite wide. They range in price from as little as $200 but can go up to a whopping $2000.

All Around Paddleboard from Gili, Gili All Around Stand Up Paddle Board, picture is used in an article to explain what is an All Around Stand Up Paddle Board

While it would be great to buy the “best” paddle board, your budget normally restricts you on the type of board you can or want to afford.

However, it is possible to find good quality SUP Boards for 500$ or less, especially amongst the all around SUP Boards.

Possibly one of the best all-around inflatable paddle boards in this price range is the Gili.

This board is made from military-grade PVC and has a well-balanced shape, ensuring stability and durability. Weighing only 19 pounds, it is light enough to carry around independently. It can hold up to 275 pounds, which is excellent for anyone who wants to “grow” with their board rather than buying a new one as they improve their paddleboarding skills.

This Gili measures 10.5 feet x 31 inches x 6 inches, which is broad, long, and excellent for stability in even the roughest waters. The traction pad is also of a considerable size, which is great for grip and control of the board. This all around stand-up paddle board is all you need for most watersport activities.

You can read more about the Gili all-around stand-up paddle board here to see why we have rated it as one of the best paddle boards money could buy.

If you would like to try paddle boarding, but don’t want to spend too much on a board that you might not use often, there are a range of even cheaper boards available that could match your budget. In this case, we’ve put together a selection of the best cheap paddle boards, which still provide decent quality.

What else is there to consider when choosing a paddle board?

Before you decide to buy a paddle board, there are a couple of things that one should consider. These are:

Intended use

As we have mentioned and covered above, there are many activities you can do with an all around stand up paddle board. You can use them for different activities, from gentle paddling to whitewater paddling. But before buying a paddle board, think about what your goals are.

Weight and height

Paddle boards are designed specifically for people of a certain weight and height. For example, a tall, heavyset person would not get the stability they need from a medium sized board, just as a petite child could not control such a board with ease. All the details about the correct sizing of a board can be found in our buyers guide. Here you’ll also find a size chart that will allow you to choose the perfect paddle board for your size, usage, and skill level.

Skill level

Not all boards are designed to be used by beginners or intermediate paddle boarders and would suit advanced paddlers better. It is essential to consider your skill level when choosing a paddle board. The sizing of the board is also dependent on the skill level of the user. Those with higher paddle boarding skills choose a smaller board. See our sizing guide here to choose the best paddle board for your skill level.  

It is recommended that beginners start off with an all-around paddle board as they are stable and easy to maneuver. As your skill level increases, you can move on to the more specific SUPs created for fishing, yoga, racing, fitness, and touring, whatever your focus is. These are designed to withstand the type of activity and skill of the sport. 

The material used to make the board

All-around stand-up paddle boards are available in a variety of materials. But, the most versatile SUP remains the inflatable board. These SUPs are more robust and provide a similar paddling performance to hardboards but are much easier to store and transport. 

For specific activities like racing, downwinding, or wave SUP, it is better to use a board designed for that activity, especially when you reach a certain skill level. 


All around stand up paddle boards are an excellent choice for people of any age, gender, and skill level. Whether you prefer an idyllic paddle on the calm seas, a longer tour to explore a coastline, or do some yoga – a good quality all around board will reliably accompany you for several years.

Inflatable SUPs are popular as they can be used for various activities and by people of any skill level, from beginner to advanced. Consider an inflatable SUP if you are looking for an all-purpose SUP for your watersport activities. 


On Key

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