
Posts by Dom

Young people looking map in nature

How to Plan a Freeride Tour Correctly

A freeriding tour is great for those skiers who like to write their own rules and go off the beaten track. But, going on a freeride tour or for a powder skiing day requires some planning and preparation. Having the right equipment is paramount to your safety and the fun

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What Is Freeride Skiing

The excitement of freeriding is something you can’t explain to anyone that hasn’t done it before; it needs to be experienced. The purpose of this article is to show you what this thrilling and versatile sport is all about. We will look at what freeride skiing really is and what

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What is the Basic Equipment for Freeride Skiing

Freeride skiing is a type of skiing that is done on natural terrain without a set course, rules, or goals. It gets your endorphins pumping and gives you a great adrenaline rush.  This style of skiing is more difficult to do without owning some basic equipment. Some equipment is not

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Ice mountain climber wearing backbacks

How Do Avalanche Airbags Work

Avalanche airbags are designed to protect you from avalanches, which are a major cause of death and injury in the mountains, by increasing the chance of keeping you on top if you get caught in an avalanche. But how do they actually work? An Avalanche Airbag is a kind of

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